Date : 25 novembre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Sous la direction scientifique de Sabine Frommel et Piet Lombaerde
Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA)
Mardi 21 novembre (salle Benjamin) et Mercredi 22 novembre 2023 (salle Vasari)
Le séminaire cherchera à lever le voile sur les complexes processus de transmission et d’appropriation de modèles auxquels l’architecture peinte doit son évolution pendant l’époque moderne, notamment au sein de cycles de fresques et de tableaux. La gravure et le traité d’architecture, notamment de provenance italienne, fournissent un ample répertoire de prototypes, à commencer par les éditions illustrées du traité de Vitruve par Fra Giocondo, Cesare Cesariano, Daniele Barbaro et Jean Goujon jusqu’aux traités de Sebastiano Serlio, d’Andrea Palladio, de Vincenzo Scamozzi, sans oublier la production des jésuites comme Juan Bautista Villalpando. De multiples réceptions et ré-inventions se dégagent dans les différents pays européens, s’adaptant aux spécificités techniques et stylistiques locales, aux stratégies iconographiques des commanditaires, que ce soit dans le domaine politique, militaire, religieux, public ou privé. Au sein de ces complexes réseaux, certains modèles assimilés deviennent porteurs d’une nouvelle signification et bénéficient d’une fortune propre se profilant selon les dynamismes d’un autre contexte culturel.
Le 21 novembre 2023, INHA, salle Benjamin
Présidence : Emmanuelle Chapron (Aix-Marseille université/HISTARA, EPHE-PSL)
14h30 Accueil des participants
15h00 Sabine FROMMEL (HISTARA, EPHE-PSL) et Piet LOMBAERDE (Université d’Anvers) : Introduction
15h45 Paul DAVIES (university of Reading): Depicting the centralized church in Renaissance Italy: patterns of transmission’
16h00 Pause café
16h15 Maria BELTRAMINI (università di Torino): Paris Bordone e la tela con la Lotta dei Gladiatori di Vienna
17h00 Francesco GUIDI (università di Bologna): Antologia lombarda 1480-1520, fra lingua e dialetto
17h45 Fin des travaux
Le 22 novembre 2023, INHA, salle Vasari
Présidence : Thomas Golsenne (université de Lille)
9h30 Raphaël TASSIN (HISTARA, EPHE-PSL) : Les traités d’architecture de la première moitié du XVIe siècle : une source d’inspiration pour les peintres français de la Renaissance
10h15 Maria OVSIANIKOVA (HISTARA, EPHE-PSL) : L’Antiquité romaine dans l’art pictural de la Renaissance : de l’émulation à la restauration
11h00 Pause café
11h15 Valeria RUBBI (università di Bologna): Il ruolo e la funzione dell’architettura dipinta nella pittura post-tridentina a Bologna: l’«inventio» in Bartolomeo Cesi (1556-1629) tra editoria religiosa illustrata e architettura reale
12h00 Ria FABRI (Université d’Anvers): Ruines, palais et paysages urbains et ruraux : représentations architecturales sur les cabinets anversois (XVIIe siècle)
12h45 Pause Déjeuner
Présidence : Maria BELTRAMINI (università di Torino)
14h30 Oliver KIK (IRPA,Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique, Bruxelles) : Le monde architectural de Lancelot Blondeel
15h15 Eckhard LEUSCHNER (Universität Wűrzburg): From Painted to Printed Architecture – and vice versa. Functions and Uses of the Engravings in Andrea Pozzo’s « Perspectiva Pictorum et Architectorum » (1693-1700)
16h00 Pause Café
16h15 Luis RUEDA (Instituto de Historia – CSIC, Madrid): Philippe de Champaigne and Villalpando’s Temple of Solomon: Biblical Architecture and Reason in Baroque Painting
17h00 Piet LOMBAERDE (Université d’Anvers): Modèles iconographiques d’architecture civile et militaire pour des portraits et pour quelques scènes historiques (XVIe-XIXe siècles)
17h45 Discussion générale et fin des travaux
Date : 20 novembre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Date : 16 novembre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Date : 7 novembre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Project abstract:
The roles of Catherine and Maria de’ Medici, and those of the wives of the dukes, and later grand dukes of Tuscany, such as Eleonora of Toledo, Christina of Lorraine, and Maria Magdalena of Austria, have been studied in depth particularly in terms of the transmission of traditions and models. However, as we maintain, there is still ample room for research especially regarding the relationships between European courts and the consequent circulation of arts-related political strategies, patronage patterns, and encomiastic themes.
The courts of the Medici princesses were, in fact, the settings in which the vicissitudes of different sovereigns, popes and dynasties intersected, all motivated by a strong spirit of competition, striving for supremacy in the cultural and artistic spheres, often driven by the need for legitimacy and the desire for identity-building. The activities of these princesses as patrons (in the fields of architecture, painting, sculpture, ephemeral apparatuses and collecting) were part of the more general framework of European dynamics dominated by the House of Habsburg, with such protagonists as Margaret of Austria and Mary of Hungary, who fostered processes of transmission, practices and models between France, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy. The princesses were surrounded by a circle of ambitious nobles, endowed with refined culture: we need only mention the Tuscan outcasts in France and the fundamental role of the Gondi, who in turn promoted cultural strategies capable of bringing forth new artistic syntheses.
Animated by a group of European scholars, this project will attempt to situate the patronage of the princesses of the house of Medici in a broad European political network, to identify their relations with representatives of other dynasties (for example, the link between Catherine de’ Medici and Margaret of Austria will be considered), to compare their political and cultural motivations, and to examine the outcomes that reveal processes of transmission and assimilation capable of opening new avenues for dialogue with other traditions. On the methodological level, it is planned to consider comparisons with the patronage promoted by their husbands, fathers, brothers or sons, laying the groundwork for the reconstruction of a psychological profile of the protagonists as well, ranging from adherence to emulation and also aversion. New results are expected, capable of elucidating the formulation of the artistic culture of the Medici, based on continuous exchange in the sense of a va et vient, and involving new topics in a game that views the actions of the donor and the beneficiary as alternating in a vast platform of migration.
The project, which aims to develop the theme of intra-court dynamics and exchanges, will consist of annual workshops and the construction of interdisciplinary and international research pathways.
Sarà possibile seguire il workshop online: Link
Date : 31 octobre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Martedì 31 ottobre 2023
Ore 17:00
Museo Galileo
Piazza dei Giudici 1, Firenze
Cristina Acidini, Presidente dell’Accademia delle Arti del Disegno
Fulvio Cervini, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Stéphane Toussaint, Centre André Chastel, Paris
Leonardo da Vinci e l’architettura/Léonard de Vinci et l’architecture
a cura di F.P. Di Teodoro, E. Ferretti, S. Frommel, H. Schlimme
Campisano/Hermann, Roma/Paris 2022
La città di Vitruvio per Leonardo. Le mostre del Cinquecentenario
a cura di F.P. Di Teodoro e A. Perissa Torrini
Venezia, Marsilio/Centro Studi Vitruviani 2022
Filippo Camerota, Direttore scientifico del Museo Galileo
Info e prenotazioni:, 055 265311
Date : 26 octobre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)
Date : 26 octobre 2023
Chercheur(s) Intervenant(s)